Sõru Port Facility “SaRa”
This project has won an architecture competition forSõru Port Facility held by Emmaste Local Govermentin 2013.The concept of form: the solution of the form of the building is based on easy access to water and the openingof the stage towards the lawn. The intertwining of thegroups of users of various building parts throughout thebuilding would require the volume to be distributed asevenly as possible. However, the volume of the plannedport building has been cut in order to avoid totally blocking the existing sea view. Two view corridors and several separate building parts with specifi functions willbe created. The separated pieces will be visually joinedback together with the roof and terraces. In addition,the building will follow the shape of a roof without eaves,which is rather widely spread on Hiiumaa.Exterior fiishing: the exterior fiishing of the port buildingis determined by the two-tone classical appearanceof the surrounding buildings fiished with “Nordic red”siding and few white elements. White horizontal or vertical wooden ribs over windows and awnings add coloras well.The designed building, stone wall and sitting area turnthe lawn and the area into a wider place for wherecouples can go for walks or larger events, for example,the international festival Sõru Jazz, can be held.